It’s a bad day when your car goes up in flames . . . but it can be even worse.
Author: rob parrish
The Mugger
500 Year Itch

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And by the way, yes, that is really Penn Jillette. A guy on our crew knew him. While we were writing and shooting the move, our crew guy drove to Atlantic City and shot Mr. Gillette. I think we wrote Penn’s lines before we wrote the script, but we figured we’d work it in – and we did!
Also, check out the movie’s star, Sandie Black, over on the youtube!
NTH – 52
I posted the first Next To Heaven on September 19, 2006, and today I post the 52nd. A year’s-worth of weekly short movies made from’s public domain footage – pretty impressive, if I do say so myself. I had a great time making NTH, and I think I learned a thing or two as well.
Thanks to all the people who took the time to comment. One of the best rewards of doing a videoblog is the people you get to interact with online.
Also a big thanks is due to those who helped get the word out about NTH – Freevlog, Ryanne Hodson, Michael Verdi, Karina Longworth, NewTeeVee, Blip TV, Eric Mortensen, Jay Dedman, The Daily Reel, TV Tonic, Mefeedia, Moocat, Podcast Salad, Bill Streeter, Jennifer Proctor, Cheryl Colan, Pixelodeon, Maurice Martin, The Clip Show, Cinema Minima, Rosebud Film & Video Festival, DC Shorts Film Festival, United Vloggers, and Chris Griffin.
Of course, NTH would not have happened without the amazing film archive provided free to the whole world by and Rick Prelinger. All lovers and users of media are or will be in your debt!
This is not the end; I’m working on NTH Season Two. NTH’s second season will be in the spirit of the first, but will be something very different. Stay tuned for sneak peeks. I’m looking to roll out season two in the spring or summer of 2008.
In the meantime, a best of NTH collection will be selected and re-posted here and on all of the major video portals. I’m looking for a sponsor and perhaps a curator, anybody interested?
Finally, with NTH on hiatus, I’ll have more time to make video for my first videoblog – Hopper Video. So, if you’re not already a Hopper Video viewer please check it out. I’ve got some weird and wonderful videos in the pipeline!
Thanks for watching.
NTH – 49
Job – Color Field Painting #1
My tribute to the Washington Color Field Painters. Stripes aren’t easy, especially when you’re working with 1960’s porno!
Ass Children of God: A Night at FLUX Art Sensory Overload
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My longest title ever. This video started out as an assignment from my local public access station to shoot a local art event. It turned into an art-geek silly fest. Thanks to:
The good folks at Art Outlet for letting us use their art event as a sound stage;
All the artists whose work appears (especially the fabulous Rebecca C. Adams); and
The band the Parlor Scouts for providing music and appearing.
Promo for “E4: Station to Station”
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I am very happy to announce that I will be presenting a video installation as part of a group show at Transformer. Transformer is a very cool gallery space in Washington, D.C. that shows experimental and conceptual work.
Here is a description of the show from Transformer’s website –
“Transformer is very proud to present E4: Station to Station, an exhibition resulting from the fourth installment of our unique peer critique and mentorship program, The Exercises for Emerging Artists. Featuring four dynamic DC area based artists – Rebecca C. Adams, Carolina Mayorga, Rob Parrish, and Fereshteh Toosi – and guest curated by Niels Van Tomme, E4: Station to Station consists of four individual artist projects at Transformer incorporating video, sound, performance art, and conceptual mixed media installation.
Each of this year’s Exercises artists will take over the Transformer project space for one-week, beginning July 11, 2007, to present new work resulting from their peer-critique and mentorship experience at Transformer. Opening events including performances and artist talks will take place each Thursday, July 11 – August 5, 2007 from 6:30 – 8pm.â€
My piece is called “Jackâ€. It mixes elements from the television series “24”, the Department of Homeland Security’s Homeland Security Advisory System, and archival footage. The installation explores the sensation of being an object of manipulation.
Please come out to each opening event if you are in the D.C. area. Here is the schedule – Carolina – 7/12; Rob – 7/19; Rebecca – 7/26; and Fereshteh 8/2.
Tags: rob_parrish, art, dc, transformer
NTH – 41
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Adicting App. and Paul Newman. Mainline!!!
Tags: rob_parrish, drugs, heaven, twitter
NTH – 40
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Sex, drugs, and nuclear wepons. What more could you want?
Tags: sex, drugs, rob_parrish, nuclear