The Face of Dow

The Face of Dow
Click picture to see movie

During the Undiscovered Country session at Vloggercon I noted that vlogging has changed the type of videos I make. This video is a good example of my mutated work process. I call a video like this a “quick hit” — I try to go from idea to finished product very quickly. This one sets a record – it was conceived after seeing a Dow Chemical Compay Advertisement on way home from work and completed in a few hours. In the past, I would have mulled over a video about Dow for weeks or longer, even after the idea for the attached video was secure in my head. With vlogging, I figure why wait. Make it, post it – maybe I’ll make a big important Dow video later, or maybe I won’t. In the meantime, this video is out there and, hopefully, it will encourage conversation.

Here are links for more information regarding the Dow Chemical Company.

Dow Site
Dow in Wikipedia
The Truth About Dow
Know More Dow Entry
